Develop a Fitness Plan Like a Pro

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

It goes without saying that having a plan is crucial to achieving success. In the world of health and fitness, embarking on a new workout regimen without a plan is like driving in unfamiliar territory without the help of Google Maps. Having a plan will provide efficiency, discipline and in some cases, motivation. It is also a great reference to where we are and where we want to be. Having a fitness plan laid out will help us stay on track and never forget what needs to be done next. A plan is almost similar to an instructional manual to our future selves. Here are several ideas on how to develop a fitness plan.

Goals Ensure Victory

Goals are dreams with a deadline. Psychologists have found that people who set goals are more likely to achieve success compared to those who do not. Start by listing down realistic goals that can be achieved. Being on the wrong side of 30 and have never played football, it is safe to say that one will not be playing for Manchester United in this lifetime. Goals should be specific, measurable, accountable, realistic and within a time frame. In other words, SMART. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” it is better to say “I want to lose 5 kg within three months.” Goals direct action and is a great tool or a guideline for measuring results. Before developing any plans, goals should be fixed.

Assess Yourself

With goals and targets set, it is important to assess current fitness level to establish a baseline. Those who are relatively fit (e.g, running and lifting weights three to four times a week) should have a decent idea on their own capabilities. However, those who are not active should conduct a fitness test related to the goals that have been set before embarking on a fitness journey. The initial fitness test will be able to establish strengths and weaknesses. Once these parameters have been set, a focused plan can be developed. Areas for improvement can be identified and worked on afterwards.

Be A Time Master

One of the most important aspects of fitness planning is time. Most people overestimate the amount of time they have to exercise. When developing a fitness plan, schedule workouts based on availability and do not compromise. Treat it as any appointment or important meeting. One of the biggest mistakes we make when scheduling a workout is not taking into account travel time and cool down period (stretching, drinking post workout shakes, shower etc). Factor in all variables and develop a realistic timetable that will not change. Be honest with yourself. If you are not a person who will exercise five times a week, do not schedule it as such.

Strength in Numbers

Studies indicate fitness plans are more likely to fail if it is performed by a single individual without any support system. When developing a fitness plan, rope in a few friends. Exercise partners provide healthy competition, support and motivation. An exercise buddy (or two) provide a more personal social support.

The buddy system also ensures accountability. We are less likely to cancel our workouts if we are doing it with a friend or partner. Pick a training mate who is on the same level of health, fitness or ability, and be committed to each other.

FaMA - Fitness and Martial Arts
Established in 2016, FaMA is a world-class martial arts training facility located in the heart of the Central Business District in Singapore. Walking distance from the Clarke Quay MRT station, FaMA’s main goal is to help people improve their lives through martial arts regardless of age or athletic capability. Each program is led by experts in their respective fields. Whether it is weight loss, a fun workout, camaraderie, competition training, or just to break a sweat, FaMA has something for everyone.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, or The Art of Eight Limbs, is a martial art developed in Thailand thousands of years ago to help the Kingdom protect itself against invaders. Using the human body as a weapon, Muay Thai practitioners are well-versed in punching, elbowing, kicking, kneeing, and clinching with their opponents. What was once only used for self-defence and protection of the Kingdom, Muay Thai has grown to become one of the most popular sports not only in Thailand but in the world. Muay Thai is known to provide a complete total-body workout that will help build lean muscle, core strength, and help with weight loss. At FaMA, Muay Thai classes are taught daily by Tanaphong Khunhankaew, or better known as Kru Ping, and Coach Jerel Louie.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, or BJJ as it is commonly known around the world, is a self-defence martial art that enables a smaller, weaker person to protect themselves against a much larger attacker using leverage and pressure. Formed from Kodokan Judo in Japan, Jiu Jitsu found its way to Brazil in the 1910s through Mitsuyo Maeda, a Japanese judoka and no-holds-barred prize fighter. During his time in Brazil, Maeda accepted a young Carlos Gracie as his student. Carlos would later pass on his knowledge to his brothers, most notably Helio Gracie - the father of modern Brazilian Jiujitsu. The Gracie family would go on to spread BJJ through The Gracie Challenge and eventually the creation of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Today, BJJ has grown to be more than just an effective unarmed fighting system. It helps young children deal with bullies and adults live a healthy lifestyle. BJJ classes are offered daily at FaMA under the tutelage of Black Belts Zoro Moreira and Robyn Goudy.

FaMA Fit

An all-in-one fitness class suitable for everyone, FaMA Fit incorporates moves from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing and Kickboxing together with functional training to help develop flexibility, mobility, strength, balance, and stamina. For beginners who are just starting out, the FaMA Fit Fundamentals class is an entry-level program that will work the entire body. FaMA Fit and FaMA Fit Fundamentals classes are run by professional athlete Coach Kirstie Gannaway.