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Welcome to FaMA's Blog where you can get the latest news on everything FaMA as well as read interesting articles about Fitness, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai and Kids Martial Arts.

May 24, 2020
FaMA Weekly #83
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we wish Professor Zoro a happy birthday, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Guest Instructor Professor Filipe sends...

May 23, 2020
“When I Was A Beginner…” : FaMA - Fitness and Martial Arts Instructors Reminisce - Part One
It is hard to imagine our lean and mean FaMA instructors being novices, but yes, they were once fumbling beginners just like the rest of...

May 17, 2020
FaMA Weekly #82
In this issue of FaMA Weekly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Guest Instructor Professor Aldir sends some words of encouragement, the FaMA team...

May 16, 2020
It Runs in the FaMAly: Circuit Connector, Not Circuit Breaker - Part II
Being cooped up at home together 24/7 can mean sometimes getting in each other’s way. For some of our FaMAlies, these challenges have...

May 9, 2020
FaMA Weekly #81
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we wish Professor Robyn a happy birthday, Coach Steve shaves his head on FaMA Live, Professor Gordo sends a...

May 8, 2020
It Runs in the FaMAly: Circuit Connector, Not Circuit Breaker
So the whole family's home. Is that a blessing or a curse? Our FaMA members tell us how they've been juggling work-from-home...

May 2, 2020
FaMA Weekly #80
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we take up the #DontRush challenge, share Muay Thai combinations, more recommendations from the FaMA team...

May 1, 2020
Circuit Breaker Extension? 5 More Ideas to Make the Most of Your Time
Oh no, another four weeks of the circuit breaker? You are probably running out of things to do at home by now and let’s be honest,...

Apr 25, 2020
FaMA Weekly #79
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we catch up with our Instructors and Assistant Instructors, share Muay Thai combinations and Brazilian...

Apr 24, 2020
FaMA at Home: What the Assistant Instructors Are Up To
Three weeks into the circuit breaker, our leading instructors have gotten the FaMA community up and going with Zoom classes! Reportedly,...
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