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Welcome to FaMA's Blog where you can get the latest news on everything FaMA as well as read interesting articles about Fitness, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai and Kids Martial Arts.

Aug 2, 2020
FaMA Weekly #92
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we get recognised by SG Clean, Kru Yo shares a new Muay Thai combo on avoiding kicks and Coach Kirstie...

Jul 26, 2020
FaMA Weekly #91
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we kick off FaMAly Workout Weekends, wish Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Professor Thiago a happy birthday, we...

Jul 18, 2020
FaMA Weekly #90
In this issue of FaMA Weekly our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Assistant Instructors share their martial arts beginner stories, we introduce...

Jul 12, 2020
FaMA Weekly #89
In this issue of FaMA Weekly our Assistant Instructors share their martial arts beginner stories, pictures from our Election Day FaMAly...

Jul 4, 2020
FaMA Weekly #88
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we announce our Election Day FaMAly Workout, an article on what to expect during our Modified Period, Kru...

Jul 3, 2020
Welcome Home, FaMAly: What to Expect During the Modified Period
75 days was way too long for us to be apart, and we could barely contain our excitement when we finally opened our doors again on 20...

Jun 27, 2020
FaMA Weekly #87
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we announce our reopening, share our modified class schedule, Professor Robyn gets interviewed on BJJ...

Jun 13, 2020
FaMA Weekly #86
In this issue of FaMA Weekly Assistant Instructor Tim teaches the FaMA Kids how to cook, we congratulate Professor Herbert Burns, wish...

Jun 7, 2020
FaMA Weekly #85
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we share what the Assistant Instructors have been up to on FaMA Live, share this week's Muay Thai combo, and...

May 30, 2020
FaMA Weekly #84
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we thank our incredible team of coaches and assistant instructors, reminisce with Kru Yo and Professor...

May 24, 2020
FaMA Weekly #83
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we wish Professor Zoro a happy birthday, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Guest Instructor Professor Filipe sends...

May 17, 2020
FaMA Weekly #82
In this issue of FaMA Weekly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Guest Instructor Professor Aldir sends some words of encouragement, the FaMA team...

May 9, 2020
FaMA Weekly #81
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we wish Professor Robyn a happy birthday, Coach Steve shaves his head on FaMA Live, Professor Gordo sends a...

May 2, 2020
FaMA Weekly #80
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we take up the #DontRush challenge, share Muay Thai combinations, more recommendations from the FaMA team...

Apr 25, 2020
FaMA Weekly #79
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we catch up with our Instructors and Assistant Instructors, share Muay Thai combinations and Brazilian...

Apr 18, 2020
FaMA Weekly #78
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we thank the FaMA community for joining our FaMA Live classes, share an article on what the FaMA Kids are up...

Apr 10, 2020
FaMA Weekly #77
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we temporarily close the academy, the team shares some fitness and martial arts recommendations, and learn...

Apr 9, 2020

Mar 27, 2020
FaMA Weekly #76
In this issue of FaMA Weekly we share our social distancing measures and a few other changes we have made to our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu...

Mar 20, 2020
FaMA Weekly #75
In this issue of FaMA Weekly check out who 'Earned Their Stripes' and we help you pick the right Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) class for you....
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